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Health and Wellness - Suicide

Learn more about suicide, and how to support your health and wellness

Each person is faced with different and unique mental health challenges, and develops individual coping and wellness mechanisms that fit their needs. Your Life Iowa is a resource to help you find what works for you, and to support you in helping others you may be concerned about. 

Take the myths and facts quiz to learn about some common perceptions about suicide. There are many risk and protective factors that affect suicide risk identified in the "Avoid Risks" section. See the self-care checklist for some suggestions on ways to promote mental health. These are just some suggestions; each person will have different self-care actions that work for them and may not work for others.

Read on to learn more.

 Myths & Facts

How much of what you know about suicide is actually true? Review some common statements about suicide and learn the facts.

Suicide was the second leading cause of death among Iowans ages 15-44 in 2015.

Fact. Suicide was the second leading cause of death to Unintentional Injuries. Suicide was also the fifth leading cause of death for 5-14 year-olds and 45-54 year-olds.

Talking with someone about suicide will make them suicidal.

Myth. The fact that you are asking will in many cases be the opportunity that individual needs to open up about their feelings. If someone is not suicidal, asking won’t insult them or make them suicidal, and they can inform you that they are not suicidal.

Most deaths in Iowa involving a firearm are homicides.

Myth. Approximately 80 percent of all firearm-related deaths in Iowa are suicides. Firearms are the most used method in suicides.

Suicide is preventable. Most individuals desperately want to live; they are just unable to see alternatives to their problems.

Fact. Support and help is available 24/7. Call or Text now. We are ready to listen at YourLifeIowa.

Men are approximately four times more likely to attempt suicide then women

Myth. Women are three to four times more likely to attempt suicide, but men are four times more likely to die by suicide.

Most suicidal individuals give warnings.

Fact. Most people who die by suicide exhibit warning signs, but recognizing the warning signs in the moment can be challenging.

Suicide is often a result of multiple things, not just a single event, issue or occurrence.

Fact. Suicide is a complex problem. Suicide is often related to a constellation of events, experiences and feelings.

Suicide contagion is process by which exposure to the suicide or suicidal behaviors of one or more persons influences others to attempt suicide. 

Fact. Suicide contagion is a real phenomenon. Reporting and talking about suicides can be done in a respectful and appropriate manner that limits the risk of contagion.


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